Custom Visual Instruments

Software: TouchDesigner
Instructors: Niculin Barandun, Luis Sanz
Dates: March 14 - 16, 2019
Location: Schiffbau 10, 8005 Zürich
Experience level: Beginner

This workshop will introduce you to TouchDesigner, an application by Derivative that allows you to create multimedia projects without requiring programming skills.

You will learn how to generate and render 3D-scenes, build your own custom visual instrument, and interface with it.

Laptop or desktop computer with successfully installed TouchDesigner 099 and a mouse (three button mouse, if possible).
Download TouchDesigner and install it on your computer. If you can run it after installation your computer is good enough for the workshop.
If available, bring a display adapter to HDMI/DVI or VGA.
You are also welcome to bring your own input devices such as midi controllers, leap motion or game controllers.

Participants limited. Send your application to workshop@nicul.in until February 20. Your participation is secured, once the workshop fee is paid.

Open Doors: After the workshop, the results will be accessible to the public.
Meeting point on March 16 at 6pm is at Schiffbau 10 (entry from Turbinenplatz), 8005 Zürich.

Thursday, March 14, 6 - 9pm

Interface overview
Operator overview
Introduction to 3D
Camera and light composition
Rendering & Materials
Palette and operator snippets

Friday, March 15, 6 - 9pm

Generative textures
Introduction to noise (2D and 3D)
Device inputs and interactivity
UI building and performance
Further resources

Saturday, March 16, 10 - 12am, 1 - 7pm

Practical day, each participant develops their own visual instrument.
The results will be open to the public after the workshop.
Interested participants can showcase their visual instruments live after the workshop.